TrueSwap Exchange Liquidity Mining Program

3 min readMar 26, 2021

TrueSwap launched as a brand new AMM on Tron Network as our mission is to build a successful Decentralized Exchange on Tron, following the success of Uniswap on Ethereum and Pancakeswap on Binance Smart Chain.

The Liquidity Mining Start on 26 March, with 5 Pairs in Farm and 1 Native Pool to incentivize its users to provide liquidity to TrueSwap.

The 5 pairs are:


The Staking Pool is TRS Staking Pool.

APR in the first day of Liquidity Mining Program of TrueSwap

Why should you become a Liquidity Provider on TrueSwap?

TrueSwap charges users a flat 0.30% fee for every trade that takes place on the platform and automatically sends it to a liquidity reserve. Whenever a liquidity provider decides they want to exit, they receive a portion of the total fees from the reserve relative to their staked amount in that pool.

As a liquidity provider on TrueSwap, you will continuously receive the swap fee from TrueSwap users. The more people swap, the more fee you collect.

Secondly, if you participate in Liquidity Mining Program on TrueSwap, you earn $TRS token while staking your LP tokens to the Farm. As $TRS is the governance token of TrueSwap, it always has a value (which will grow as more and more users join TrueSwap).

How long does the Liquidity Mining Program last?

The Liquidity Mining Program of TrueSwap only lasts 6 months, from 26 March 2021 to 26 September 2021. After that, only 2% of $TRS Supply will be released every year to support the growth of the community.

99% of Total Supply will be distributed through those 6 months of Liquidity Mining and Staking Program. Team & Advisors only get 1% of the Total Supply, and they committed to donate 30% of that amount to conduct Airdrops to encourage early supporters to join and support the project.

What is the Staking Pool?

Staking Pool (currently only 1 Pool is available-TRS Pool) is a special incentivized mechanism to encourage $TRS holders to stake their TRS to reduce the Circulating Supply of $TRS token. In exchange for the staking action, stakers will receive more $TRS bases on their stack of the Pool.

If I become a Liquidity Provider on TrueSwap, do my tokens get locked?

No, you are free to become a Liquidity Provider on TrueSwap, you can stake and unstake anytime.

How many pairs and pools will get support from Liquidity Mining and Staking Program on TrueSwap?

As the vision of TrueSwap is to become a truly decentralized AMM on Tron, we support any team or project to create pairs on TrueSwap.

At first, Liquidity Mining and Staking Program launched with 5 pairs and 1 Pool. Later we will support more pairs and pools. After a period, the decision to choose which pairs and pools to be added to the program will be totally decentralized, by the voting of $TRS token holders.

